Third edition of Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine published
The third edition of the Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine, published online in December 2017, includes a chapter co-authored by Ina Voelcker and Alexandre Kalache, both of ILC-BR.
20th December 2017
Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces organizes event on Active Ageing
The objective of the event was to create a space for knowledge and experience sharing between municipalities and provinces. The opening keynote was delivered by Alexandre Kalache, President of ILC-BR.
15th December 2017
Keynote at International Seminar on Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in Uruguay
Alexandre Kalache, President of ILC-BR and Co-President of the Alliance, delivered the keynote at the seminar in Montevideo. The event was organized by the City Government of Montevideo.
12th December 2017
Public Forum on Age-Friendly Cities at the Parliament in Brasilia
In the beginning of December, the Commission for the Rights of Older Persons of the Brazilian Parliament held a Public Forum on Age-Friendly Cities.
6th December 2017
UN INIA/ILC-I/TISS’s international training programme on ‘Social Gerontology’ in India
As the Satellite Centre for the SAARC region, of UN’s International Institute on Ageing, Malta, ILC-I organised the ‘in situ’ training programme in Hyderabad, India.
4th December 2017
On December 1, 2017, close to 100 friends of Muriel Beach gathered at Senior Planet Exploration Center in New York to celebrate her 90 years on this planet during which she has made enormous contribution to society and people of all ages. The audience included 25 years old Akiko Oishi from Japan and 95 years old, Helen Hamlin, from Manhattan.
1st December 2017
Creating an Education Revolution that places Lifelong Learning at its centre
The President of ILC-BR, Alexandre Kalache, is currently in Australia advancing the ageing agenda of the South Australian Government.
21st November 2017
The Digital Narrative Project “Exceeding Expectations” by Columbia Aging Center
On Tuesday, October 24, 2017, the Columbia Aging Center celebrates the participants in its digital narrative project “Exceeding Expectations” (
25th October 2017
Celebrating an Honest Portrait of Aging in New York City
The Columbia Aging Center has been following 20 older New Yorkers for two years with the aim of disrupting stereotypes of aging and portraying everyday life. Many of the 20 New Yorkers met for the first time on Oct. 24.
24th October 2017
International Symposium in Sao Paulo to share innovations from Australia and the Netherlands
On October 17, ILC-BR organized a Symposium with three international speakers in São Paulo. The event took place in the auditorium of Iamspe (Institute for Medical Assistance to the Public Servant of the State of São Paulo).
21st October 2017
ILC-BR holds its 5th International Longevity Forum
On October 19 and 20, ILC-BR hosted the 5th International Longevity Forum in Rio de Janeiro. This year’s theme was the construction of resilience along the life course; a very timely topic given the ongoing crisis in Brazil.
21st October 2017
The importance of immunization along the life course
On October 5, ILC-BR organized a seminar to discuss the importance of vaccination across all ages. The seminar was held at Iamspe, the Institute for Medical Assistance for Public Servants of the State of Sao Paulo.
7th October 2017
UN INIA Certificate Course on “Social Gerontology” – admission open
ILC-I, as UN INIA's Satellite Centre for the SAARC region is glad to announce that the admission for the United Nations' International Institute on Ageing, Malta's (UN INIA) Certificate Course on “Social Gerontology” is now open.
27th September 2017
Late Life Changes in Housing: Choices, Constraints and Impacts on Care
ILC – Australia symposium, Session 3385 6.00-7.30pm, IAGG 2017 – San Francisco
This symposium invited researchers, service providers, and advocacy organizations to consider changes in housing in late life, and how housing affects people’s access to care as they age.
11th September 2017
BBC World Service News Hour Extra on “Living Longer Lives: Blessing or Curse?”
In July, Dr Alex Kalache, President of ILC-Brazil and Co-President of the Global Alliance, participated in a debate with Dr Anne Karpf, author of 'How to Age' and Prof Lynda Gratton, author of 'The 100 Year Life' for the BBC World Service.
21st August 2017
On June 28, 2017, Senior Planet in New York held an all-day session titled “Hack Aging.” The event, designed by Debbie Galant, was attended by approximately 80 persons. Muriel Beach led a group focused on the problem of negative concepts of aging (which Dr. Robert Butler called ageism) and won the First Place for the group and a special award, “Personality Plus” for herself.
14th August 2017
ILC Global Alliance Elects Co-Presidents, Drs. Alex Kalache and Mary Ann Tsao
At its biennial Board meeting held on July 28, 2017 in San Francisco, Dr. Rosy Pereira, Chair of the Nomination/Election Committee, announced the result of the 2017 election: Alex Kalache and MaryAnn Tsao were re-elected and elected, respectively, as Co-Presidents for a three-year term starting at the close of the 2017 Board meeting.
28th July 2017
Baroness Sally Greengross appointed to serve as ILC Global Alliance’s First Special Ambassador
At its biennial meeting held on July 28, 2017 in San Francisco, the ILC Global Alliance board appointed Baroness Sally Greengross its first Special Ambassador
28th July 2017
ILC-Brazil President, Alexandre Kalache, delivered the opening keynote address for the Asian Development Bank’s Regional Conference on Ageing and Long-Term Care Systems. The Conference took place on 28-29 June at the ADB Headquarters in Manila.
17th July 2017
Liveable Communities at Americas Summit of Aging 2.0
Aging 2.0 brought together a number of start-ups, investors and experts on ageing at its Americas Summit in Toronto.
12th July 2017
Valdivia to turn centre for gerontology in Chile
Foundation Oportunidad Mayor launches Valdivia as a Chilean centre for gerontology. Dr. Alex Kalache delivered the keynote of the event.
10th July 2017
World Bank organizes workshop on ageing and health and social care in Brazil
ILC-Brazil participates in World Bank Workshop on “Population Aging and the organization of health and social care in Brazil”
3rd July 2017
Dutch-Brazilian knowledge exchange on ageing and health
ILC-Brazil President gives keynote at the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Foundation together with Dutch Vice-Minister of Health
30th June 2017
The Longevity Revolution in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution
ILC-Brazil President gives keynote presentation to the Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (FIESC)
29th June 2017
ILC Israel’s Semi-annual conference
On April 19th, 2017, ILC Israel and The Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Aging of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev held its semi-annual conference. This year’s conference topic was “Innovations and challenges in gerontology and geriatrics: The effects of the Holocaust on the health and well-being of survivors and their offspring (children, second, and third generation).”
28th June 2017
Two New Publications from Columbia Aging Center Faculty, Dr. Esteban Calvo
Faculty member Esteban Calvo has two new publications. The first is “Retirement Sequences of Older Americans: Moderately Destandardized and Highly Stratified Across Gender, Class, and Race” in The Gerontologist and “Rural pension reform in China: A critical analysis” also co-authored by Esteban Calvo appears in the Journal of Aging Studies.
25th June 2017
New Research Suggests: Don’t Lose Your Brain at Work
“Don’t Lose Your Brain at Work – The Role of Recurrent Novelty at Work in Cognitive and Brain Aging,” relates new findings about how work can affect brain aging. (February 6, 2017 issue of Frontiers in Psychology)
25th June 2017
Flash mob by senior citizens in Pune to mark the World Environment Day 2017
Senior citizens participated in a flash mob that spread the message on the need for saving and conserving water as part of ILC-I’s Environment protection initiatives.
20th June 2017
Population ageing together with globalization and urbanization characterize the major demographic upheavals of our time. A new narrative is beginning to emerge globally where older persons are viewed legitimate participants and contributors to society.
26th May 2017
India is facing an acute water crisis for some years now and it is imperative that conserving water becomes a priority for the nation. ILC-I explores how senior citizens can take the lead to address this issue.
25th April 2017
David Sinclair and Dean Hochlaf from ILC-UK visited Washington D.C. to present findings from a major new report on the international retirement challenge.
7th April 2017
Resilience will be theme of the 5th International Longevity Forum organized by ILC-Brazil
The 5th International Longevity Forum will focus on resilience in a long-lived world that is increasingly being defined by an exciting but bewildering fusion of new technologies across the digital, physical and biological domains accompanied by widespread cultural and economic dislocation.
5th April 2017
Inspiring young entrepreneurs at Shell’s LiveWIRE weekend
On March 18th, Alexandre Kalache, President of ILC-Brazil participated as inspirational speaker in Shell’s LiveWIRE weekend for young entrepreneurs. At the event, he highlighted the importance of the longevity revolution and the impact population ageing will have on their business ideas as well as their lives.
28th March 2017
American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil discusses impact of population ageing on business
On March 15th, Alexandre Kalache delivered the keynote of the event “Longevity – impact on the private sector” organized by the American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil (Amcham-Brasil).
28th March 2017
In the context of the third review cycle of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA), ILC-Brazil contributed, together with InterAge Consultancy in Gerontology, to a global project on the “Voices of Older People”, led by HelpAge International and UNFPA.
28th March 2017
HRH The Prince of Wales presents ILC-UK Chief Executive with Lifetime Achievement award
We are delighted to announce that ILC-UK Chief Executive, Baroness Sally Greengross OBE has been awarded a special Lifetime Achievement award by the British Geriatric Society (BGS), on the occasion of their 70th anniversary celebrations.
20th March 2017
Three University of Tokyo undergraduates, who were in New York in mid-February to participate in the UN Commission on Social Development 55th session, called on Ms. Muriel Beach, ILC Global Alliance’s representative to the UN, to exchange views and perspectives on global aging and intergenerational relations. Their student volunteer program at the UN was recommended by the ILC Japan and coordinated by the ILC GA’s New York team.
24th February 2017
Mobile Literacy Training Programme for Senior Citizens
India is fast moving towards a cashless and digital economy. The use of the mobile phone/cell is increasing rapidly and with a view to making its usage, elder-friendly, this training programme was organised.
16th February 2017
The Baroness Greengross Annual Lecture – London
The inaugural Baroness Greengross Lecture was held in London on 23 November in celebration of the major contributions Sally Greengross has made to improve the lives of older people throughout her lifetime. A spirited and lively informal lecture was delivered by writer, journalist and television presenter, Angela Rippon OBE.
20th January 2017