To enhance multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in ageing.
To promote knowledge about and awareness of issues related to ageing in the region and throughout the nation.
To initiate and support interventions directed towards improving treatment and services for older persons.
To contribute to the development of the future leadership in gerontology and geriatrics.
To influence policymakers and key service providers to improve current policies and services and develop new models of effective actions.
Major Funding Sources
ILC-Israel’s member and supporting organizations include:
The Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Aging of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The Israel America Foundation
Recent Major Activities / Programs
We are actively involved in research projects related to aging, and the advancement of community services for older persons in Israel on an ongoing basis.
Prof. Mark Clarfield, President of ILC-Israel recently established the ILC-Israel Executive Committee, a national committee of experts in gerontology, geriatrics, and ageing related policy and human rights aspects.
Key Staff
President: Silvia Perel-Levin
Outgoing President: A. Mark Clarfield
Emeritus Professor of Geriatrics |
Faculty of Health Sciences
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Professor (adjunct) | McGill University | Montreal | Canada
Contact information
Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Aging Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel.
Tel: 972-8-6477428
Fax: 972-8-6477635
E-mail: cmra@bgu.ac.il
ILC Israel Biennial Report for ILC GA 2019 (PDF)
ILC Israel Biennial report 2015-17 (PDF)
ILC-Israel 2014 Activities Report (PDF)
ILC-Israel 2012 Activities Report May 2012 - Apr 2013 (PDF)
ILC-Israel Semi-Annual Activity Report 2010 (PDF)
Patterns of coping with health losses and successful aging: A longitudinal study of elderly (PDF)
Evaluation of a Project to Prevent and Treat Elder Abuse (PDF)
Driving, cessation of driving and well-being in old age (PDF)
Issues in Family Care of the Elderly (PDF)
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Clinics in Israel (PDF)