An initiative of Tsao Foundation, the International Longevity Centre Singapore (ILC-Singapore) aims to promote the well-being of older people and contribute to national development through supporting policy, practice and capacity-building by enabling the “connecting of the dots” between community, policy makers, academia, practitioners and private sector through the creation of relevant stakeholder platforms as well as high impact research that strives to inform policy, facilitate cogent policy-action translation and promote quality, effective practice in Singapore.
To achieve this, we are committed to the following:
- stimulating high impact, policy- and programme-relevant, interdisciplinary research on ageing to identify important emerging trends and to generate the necessary evidence and knowledge to inform policy and practice
- engaging with/and creating stakeholder platforms and networks for ongoing knowledge exchange, discussions on trends, issues, and possible solutions
- piloting innovations that can serve as catalysts for positive change in how we view and work with older people, identify their needs and address their issues
- promoting awareness and knowledge of ageing issues in Singapore and the region and learning from the international arena
- supporting policymakers, community leaders and service providers in strengthening service delivery – both in improvement of current models as well as development of new models and systems of effective services
- contributing to the development of leadership in the ageing field
ILC- Singapore aims to be strategic in our issues. Our remit focuses on strategic policy issues, which currently include:
– healthy ageing
– community action based, self-care approach to health promotion, disease prevention and health management.
– long term care
– long term care financing
– community-based long term care services that enable ageing-in-place and optimal caregiver participation (including home care, new community-based models of frail care that can be alternatives for nursing home, end of life care)
– caregiving
– women and ageing
ILC-Singapore is inter-agency in our approach: –
-we engage our stakeholders in the private, public, and voluntary welfare organisation (VWO) sectors through advocacy and dialogues to promote a comprehensive understanding of the issues of older people at the individual, family and national levels.
-we partner with the academe to inform and facilitate policy relevant research to support a more coordinated policy and programme response to issues of older people.
– we actively seek out, engage and partner the private sector and other VWOs – especially those with a focus on older people – in developing and implementing programmes and services that address the strategic issues of older people and population ageing.
ILC-Singapore is collaborative in our practice:
– we promote older people’s participation in whatever we do for them or on their behalf, and enable their voices to be heard on issues that are important to them.
-we create and share stakeholders’ platforms so that we can learn from one other’s experiences – both locally and internationally – on issues and concerns of older people as well as how they can be effectively addressed.
-we seek synergy in knowledge generation and solution implementation.
ILC-Singapore is international in our perspective:
– we create international platforms and programmes, such as our Asia Forum on Ageing conference and Expert Series Programme, so that we can benefit from the experiences of other societies and nations as well as multilateral platforms (such as the UN, WHO and other related agencies).
– we are guided by an international group of advisors, including Associate Professor Brenda Yeoh of the National University of Singapore (NUS), Associate Professor Alfred Chan of Hong Kong’s Lingnan University, Mark Gorman of UK-based HelpAge International, and Associate Professor Dr. Harrison Bloom of New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
– as a member of the ILC-Global Alliance, we actively participate in international platforms, share our experience with colleagues from other nations, and leverage upon the Alliance’s expertise and network for our work in Singapore.
Major Funder
Tsao Family Trust
Major Partner
Tsao-NUS Ageing Research Initiative
In collaboration with the NUS’ Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Tsao-NUS Ageing Research Initiative was established in 2009 to spearhead ILC-Singapore’s research on ageing. Under the direction of Associate Professor Angelique Chan, a leading researcher in the field of ageing in Singapore and internationally, numerous studies are already underway, and new, strategic research partnerships – such as with the Duke-NUS’ Department of Health Services Research in community long term care service programme evaluation – are continually being forged.
Recent Major Activities / Programs
- Programme evaluation of two pilot programmes- Elder-centred Program for Integrated Comprehensive Care or EPICC and the Self-care on health of older people in Singapore or SCOPE. Both are utilizing randomized control trial.
- Longitudinal health and lifestyle survey (jointly with the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports or MCYS)
- Singapore informal care survey (commissioned by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports or MCYS)
- Setting up of the Ageing Research Network (ARN) in Asia (jointly with the National University of Singapore or NUS)
- Implementation of the pilot programme-SCOPE
- Institutionalization and replication of the financial education programme for mature women in Singapore and Indonesia
Key Staff
President: Mary Ann Tsao, M.D.
Director: Susana Concordo Harding
Contact information
Address: 298 Tiong Bahru Road, #15-01 Central Plaza, Singapore 168730
Email: ilcsingapore@tsaofoundation.org
Website: http://tsaofoundation.org/what-we-do/research-and-collaboration/about-ilc-singapore
ILC Singapore Biennial Report for ILC GA 2019 (PDF)
ILC Singapore Report to ILC GA 2015 - 2017 (PDF)
ILC-Singapore Activity Report 2015 (PDF)
ILC Singapore Annual Report Jul2013 - Oct 2014 (PDF)
Activities Report ILC-Singapore June 2012 - May 2013 (PDF)
ILC-Singapore Activity Report 2010-2011 (PDF)