The objective of the event was to create a space for knowledge and experience sharing between municipalities and provinces. The opening keynote was delivered by Alexandre Kalache, President of ILC-BR.

The conference, organized by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces and entitled “Keys for active and healthy ageing: best practice examples from municipalities” (original title in Spanish: Claves para un envejecimiento activo y saludable: experiencias municipales de éxito), aimed at promoting public policies, among others, through collaborations with the private sector. The best practice examples presented by several municipalities stimulated discussion among scientists, policy-makers and the private sector. New ways of advancing age-friendly cities and communities were discussed, with a focus on innovation, research and technology. Alexandre Kalache delivered the opening key note on “A New Reality linked to ageing: consequences and challenges”.

Further information: Ina Voelcker (

Programme available to download below.

Related interview with Alexandre Kalache:

Photograph: Alexandre Kalache (credit: FEMP)


We are getting older and more diverse, and that brings challenges. We cannot solve these challenges through healthcare alone. We also need municipalities, schools, companies, housing associations and older people themselves to achieve an age-friendly society. This requires cross-domain collaboration. But how can we achieve that?

In partnership with ILC-UK, the ILC Europe Network hosted its inaugural conference in Brussels on 6 March 2024 to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with an ageing European society. Other ILC Global Alliance members in attendance included ILC-Czech Republic, ILC-France and ILC-Netherlands.

Much more attention needs to be paid to the positive effects of the use of art in healthcare. Art makes people feel better and helps them to better cope with their illness. Art can also mean a lot in the social domain and prevention, and in shortening hospital admissions.