The ILC Global Alliance celebrates its 30th anniversary
This year we have been celebrating our 30th anniversary.
27th November 2020
Online Poetry competition conducted by ILC-India exclusively for older citizens in India
ILC-India organized an online poetry competition on the topic of “Inter-generational Solidarity-Lockdown special” for older people. Entrants were requested to express themselves through their original poems and share their experiences of being with the family during lockdown and under the stressful situation of the Covid-19 pandemic.
6th August 2020
ILC GA Position Statement on isolation and abuse of older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic
Following a meeting of its members on Thursday, 7 May 2020, the ILC Global Alliance has prepared a Position Statement on isolation and abuse of older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic.
16th July 2020
To mark the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, ILC-India conducted an online Essay Competition for Senior Citizens. Around fifty essays were received, majority of them were from the state of Maharashtra.
15th June 2020
Online Video of “Fine Motor Skills For Senior Citizens” uploaded on the ILC-India YouTube Channel
A video targeting a simple task which can enhance and hone fine motor skills among the senior citizens was uploaded by ILC-India for older people staying home during the lockdown. In general, such activities keep seniors active and mentally healthy.
12th May 2020
ILC-GA Position Statement on COVID-19
Following a meeting of its members on Thursday, 7 May 2020, the ILC Global Alliance has prepared a Position Statement on COVID-19.
7th May 2020
Wij & corona is a Dutch platform where the experiences of older people during these trying corona times are shared. With this we give the voice of seniors a stage and support and inspire each other!
29th April 2020
The experiences of seniors during the Corona/Covid-19 crisis
The Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing and ILC-Netherlands research project focusses on the impact, measures and restrictions of the corona virus on the senior population. The project intends to focus on how a diverse group of seniors (aged 60+) experience the virus and the measures taken. How do they perceive the risks and how does is impact their daily lives?
15th March 2020
At the 58th Commission for Social Development, Tiffany Pang, volunteer for ILC Global Alliance attended a side event "The Rise of Homelessness in Aging Women" organized by Soroptimist International on February 12, 2020. The event shared practices and challenges to address aging populations in homelessness.
12th February 2020
Art for Senior Positive Health and Well-Being
What value does art (such as dance, drawing, music, song, poetry, theatre etc.) have on an individual, social and societal level? With the two-year research 'Art for Senior Positive Health and Well-Being. Capturing the Impact of Art-based Initiatives and Programmes' Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing and Amsterdam UMC look into the value of art in long-term care by describing existing art initiatives in care, evaluating the impact and looking for the underlying working principles.
20th January 2020