28th March 2017
On March 15th, Alexandre Kalache delivered the keynote of the event “Longevity – impact on the private sector” organized by the American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil (Amcham-Brasil).
After his keynote, he moderated an expert panel “Senior professionals: advantages and challenges for businesses” with participation of representatives from the Institute Mongeral Aegon, Dotz and Sodezo Benefícios e Incentivos.
How population ageing impacts the private sector was the central question of a seminar organized by the American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil in São Paulo. Alexandre Kalache, President of ILC-Brazil, was invited to deliver the keynote of the event.
After asking “who is it who has Money to go on cruises and to keep the hotel sector busy?”, Dr. Kalache suggested that, “by creating specific businesses, it is possible to keep hotels busy outside of the main season. In the real-estate sector, it is possible to offer products for seniors, who have resources and are not interested in apartments with three bedrooms…”.
His speech was followed by a panel discussion on “Senior professionals: advantages and challenges for businesses” in which representatives from the private sector participated.
Picture: Alexandre Kalache, President of ILC-Brazil with Rogério Bragherolli, Executive Director RH, Sodexo Benefícios e Incentivos, Henrique Noya, Executive Director, Instituto Mongeral Aegon and Fábio Sant’Anna, Director, Dotz.
Written by Ina Voelcker, International Longevity Centre Brazil
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