Blog Archives
Jikka House: an innovative senior living in Japan
We interviewed two older Japanese women who had moved from Tokyo to Izu Highland, a popular retreat for city dwellers, to build their private house and restaurant. They contribute to building a community by serving lunch and delivering meals to local residents.
July 2022
Older People and Functional Foods
Functional foods can play a role in supporting older people’s health says ILC-UK report.
10th November 2010
A Life Course Approach to Tackling Obesity
This ILC-UK policy brief is the third and final publication of a series focusing on policies addressing obesity in the UK.
30th June 2008
Obesity in the UK: A Review and Comparative Analysis of Policies within the Devolved Regions
Obesity is a major public health problem in the UK. This report provides a comprehensive review of innovations and problems in tackling this challenge in light of devolution.
28th February 2008
Successful Ageing and Social Interaction
The increasing proportion of very old people in the population means that how to 'age well', even in later old age, is now an important issue for policymakers and researchers, as well as for older people themselves.
28th November 2007