Blog Archives
Nursing home care quality improvement efforts in the United States
An effort to improve nursing home quality in the United States that could serve as a model for other countries is underway. The 2022 National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) report, The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality [1], was the catalyst for a multi-faceted and multi-stakeholder effort to change the course of nursing home quality, which has been recognized as a serious problem for decades.
6 March 2023
How do we adapt the workplace of the future to an ageing workforce?
To maximise a potential “longevity dividend”, employers and governments need to wake up to the reality of an ageing workforce and make sure our jobs, our workplaces, our working patterns adapt in line with these changes.
28th January 2021
Why Survive? Remembering Dr Robert N. Butler and being old in this pandemic world
I wonder what Dr Robert Butler, Pulitzer Prize winner (non-fiction, 1976) and foremost physician and geriatrician, would say, if he were alive today, about how older people are being treated in this global pandemic.
10th September 2020
Thoughts on an (ageing) Island
In May, members of the ILC Global Alliance met on Bintan Island, Indonesia, for a strategic planning meeting and protocol development workshop. We had a productive and inspiring meeting that will carry our work forward well into the future.
13th June 2018