Blog Archives
Pension coverage and pension freedoms: Lessons from Hong Kong
This think-piece looks to Hong Kong, whose pension infrastructure is similar to the one emerging in the UK to examine the potential impact of the UK's recent pension reforms.
26th August 2016
The Late Dr. S. D. Gokhale Memorial Lecture Series
This lecture series had four lectures from the 21st of September 2013 to the 15th of January 2014, the anniversary of the detah of DR S D Gokhale. Two further lectures were held on the 22nd of October 2013 and the 4th of December 2013.
25th November 2014
Ageing, well-being and development
It is often assumed that as people grow older, they become poorer and less satisfied with life. However, new research in South Africa and Brazil suggests the opposite. Older people in these countries perceive they are happier than they were …
10th February 2012
Older people aren’t always getting the most from their retirement savings, according to a new report, by Jackie Wells for the ILC-UK.
31st October 2009
Pension Reform and Personal Accounts after the Credit Crunch
This ILC-UK brief summarises the ILC-UK/ Actuarial Profession joint debate on the future of personal accounts and pension reform after the credit crunch, which took place in London in March 2009.
31st August 2009