During the month of May, ILC-BR’s technical director Ina Voelcker participated in a 4-day workshop of the ILC-GA, organised and sponsored by ILC-Singapore.

The workshop, which was held in Singapore and Bintan, an Indonesian island off the coast of Singapore, provided an opportunity to ILCs from around the world to discuss and produce two joint research proposals on questions around caregiving and the financing of long-term care systems.

On the way back to Brazil, Ina visited ILC-UK, the Centre for Ageing Better and HelpAge International in London. At HelpAge International, Ina gave a talk to interested staff members about ILC-BR’s work on age-friendly cities. Ina also participated in an event organized by ILC-UK, the Health and Wellbeing Innovation Commission Inquiry in the House of Lords on retirement communities and care homes.


In partnership with ILC-UK, the ILC Europe Network hosted its inaugural conference in Brussels on 6 March 2024 to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with an ageing European society. Other ILC Global Alliance members in attendance included ILC-Czech Republic, ILC-France and ILC-Netherlands.

Much more attention needs to be paid to the positive effects of the use of art in healthcare. Art makes people feel better and helps them to better cope with their illness. Art can also mean a lot in the social domain and prevention, and in shortening hospital admissions.

The first Global Citizen Science for Health conference was held from 29 October to 1 November 2023. This is the registration of the keynote "The Participatory Turn in Health Research: Its Roots, Methods, Ethics, Validity and Future" by professor Dr Tineke Abma.