July 2023
ILC South Africa is pleased to announce that Rayne Stroebel has joined its leadership team as an Executive Member. He serves alongside Professors Sebastiana Kalula and Jaco Hoffman, based at the University of Cape Town and North-West University, respectively, who are ILCSA’s Co-directors. Retired Professor Monica Ferreira remains Honorary President of ILCSA.
Rayne holds a master’s and a doctoral degree in Dementia Studies from Stirling University in the UK. He is the managing director of GERATEC (Gerontological Research, Training, Education and Care), a company that provides services to the long-term care sector and the regional coordinator in South Africa of The Eden Alternative, a corporate social investment project of GERATEC that aims at changing the institutional culture of care homes.
He brings vast experience and expertise to ILCSA in the areas of long-term care services and enhancement of the care ethos towards a relationship directed support model in residential care homes. Rayne has developed and provides extensive training courses to improve the quality of life of individuals living with dementia. Based in Cape Town, his business and service activities extend countrywide.
Dr Stroebel has already met with several ILC members at various conferences and meetings globally (the above picture shows Dr Stroebel and Masako Osaka in Sydney, ILC Conference 2019). He looks forward to opportunities to engage with country centres in multi-country research projects, particularly in the areas of care and dementia, as well as to engage in research aimed at advocacy and new policy formation in South Africa.
Contact information
E-mail: sebastiana.kalula@uct.ac.za; Jaco.Hoffman@nwu.ac.za
Website: www.ilcsa.uct.ac.za
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